The history of the formation of the political and economic elite in the Sverdlovsk region

About the project

One of the most important Russian problems is the weakness of civil society. This refers to the inability of numerous social groups to organize themselves in order to defend their political rights, that is, the rights to participate in the formation of the power elite and to influence its decisions. Most often, the masses of the people are only a tool in the hands of power clans, acting exclusively in their own interests, often to the detriment of the interests of the majority. The weakness of civil society is rooted in the depths of Russian history, and it is possible that this weakness is the flip side of some strength, representing one of the character traits of Russian society. Therefore, blind copying of the formal structures of the political structure of Western European states, most likely, will not lead to an improvement in the political climate in Russia, since the political building of the Western European model is based on the foundation of civil society, which is in its infancy in Russia. Hardly anyone has a recipe for how to develop civil society in Russia over the life of at least one generation, not to mention how to do it for the next presidential or parliamentary elections.

The objective of this project is to study and present the results of studying the formation of power elites and their functioning in a particular Russian region, namely in the Sverdlovsk region, in order to clarify the question of which social groups and how they get representation in the power elite, in order to develop technology in the future stimulating the formation of civil society. The choice of the Sverdlovsk region is justified by the fact that, on the one hand, limiting the study to the framework of a relatively small region makes it possible to penetrate deeper into the topic in conditions of limited resources, and on the other hand, the power elites of the Sverdlovsk region, due to the economic and cultural potential of the region, are closely integrated with the all-Russian and partly by the world's elites, which makes the object of study quite representative.

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